Rising Shadows (Fur, Fangs, and Fairies Book 3) Read online

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  “I know. Listen, no matter what happens, I will be here for you. Don’t leave Kalypso’s side.”

  “Okay, please just tell me.” I was already getting a feeling I knew what he wasn’t telling me.

  “I had to turn you. It was either that, or let you die,” he whispered.

  I wasn’t as shocked as I thought I would be hearing those words. Maybe I was numb or I already knew. I just felt nothing.

  “Okay,” I said.

  “That’s it?” he exclaimed.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I responded.

  Kalypso laughed. Then she stopped as soon as there was a knock on the door. Dante stiffened next to me. The door opened.

  “It’s time, Dante,” Fane said sticking his head in.

  “Right.” He stood without looking at me. He looked so distressed that I wanted to comfort him.

  “What’s going on?” I asked trying to sit up. Kalypso was at my side pushing me back down. Pain flashed through my body.

  “You must stay in the bed. I’ll explain just relax.”

  Dante left with Fane.

  “He has to go before Alkaios and the commission. He has to explain changing you. They will be here soon to question you as well. Just answer whatever they ask honestly.”

  “Is he in trouble for saving me?” I asked real fear swept over me.

  “Not if you don’t want him to be,” she said.

  “What does that mean?” I demanded.

  “It means that if you did not wish to become a vampire and he did so without your permission he can be held accountable. However, if you wished to become a vampire he may not be punished since it was a life or death situation.”

  “I really never thought about becoming a vampire.” I stared at the dark ceiling.

  “Search your heart before they get here. They will know if you are lying. You must be certain,” she said rather calmly.

  I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. I thought of when Dante had kissed me. It was so sweet and right. I did not want to pass that up. If I had to live my life as a vampire, then so be it. As long as I was with him.


  I must have dosed off. I woke when someone lit a candle. I cringed a little at the brightness of the light. It took a moment to adjust to the candlelight.

  “I’m sorry, dear. They are on their way to question you. Let me help you sit up.” Kalypso leaned over me and helped me. My entire body burned. I was huffing and puffing by the time I’d gotten settled. It wasn’t long before the door opened. Kalypso stood by my side. She glared at those that entered. I recognized Alkaios and Fane. The other two were unknown to me. One was a werecreature and the other I was sure was fae.

  “Ahh good, you are awake. We are sorry to disturb you while you are in recovery. I’m sure Kalypso has explained the situation. So, you know that it is urgent that we speak to you,” Alkaios said. His eyes were shining bright in the candlelight.

  “Ask me what you came here for,” I said with more strength than I felt. He gave me a slight smile then it disappeared.

  “As you wish. Gerald you may go first.” Alkaios nodded to the werecreature.

  “Did you and Dante ever discuss your turning?” he asked me.

  I glanced at Kalypso, she however was glaring at the fae. “No we did not discuss it. There was never a chance.”

  “Have you ever wished to become a vampire?” the fae asked. I hadn’t been told his name yet.

  “It was not something that I thought about before meeting Dante. Now that it has happened I’m not opposed to it.”

  “Did he or did he not change you without your consent?” the fae demanded. It was almost like he wanted me to say something against Dante.

  “No, he did not. He changed me to save my life and I am grateful.” I glared at him.

  “Very well. I think that is all we need to hear gentleman. We should leave Savannah to her rest,” Alkaios said. His tone was demanding.

  The fae looked at me disgusted then stomped out. Gerald, as he was called, left a little more dignified. Fane winked at me as he followed Alkaios and the other two from the room.

  “I hope I said the right things.” I worried when the door closed.

  “You were truthful. It should be fine,” Kalypso said. She still seemed tense.

  “You don’t like that fae fellow,” I observed.

  “Bernard and I have never gotten along. It’s nothing to worry about.” She finally sat down.

  “What happens now?” I asked. Hunger was beginning to gnaw at me.

  “They will go and make their decision,” she said.

  “Where’s Dante?”

  “Akaios will have taken proper care of him. Do not fret. I suspect you are beginning to feel hungry.” She leaned over the bed and examined me.

  “As long as you say he is fine then I will believe you. Yes, I do feel hungry. I guess I will need blood now, won’t I?” I hadn’t thought about that part until just then. I grimaced.

  “It’s not too bad. You shall have mine, since I am the one available,” she said.

  “But doesn’t your blood kill vampires? I’ve heard stories.” I was worried.

  “Ah, but I suspect that Dante has told you his little secret. Since you know that my blood runs through him you should know it now runs through you as well. You are immune.” That was whispered.

  “Oh.” I didn’t know what to say.

  “The first time is the most difficult. Now just close your eyes and I shall do what is needed,” she demanded.

  I was nervous as I did as she asked. Laying back I closed my eyes.

  “Open your mouth,” she whispered.

  I did and shut my eyes tighter. Warm drips touched my lips. I was scared, but couldn’t help but lick the blood from my lips. It wasn’t so bad. Sweet and salty at the same time. Then she pressed her wrist to my mouth. It was one of the strangest things I’d ever experienced. I couldn’t stop myself from feeding on the blood. It was like my body knew it needed it. Then it was over.

  “Now, rest,” Kalypso said.

  I just stayed where I was, not sleeping, but not opening my eyes. My mind wandered. I was going to never know the taste of real food again. Where will I get blood from? I’d never really thought about how Dante and the others fed. Did they still feed from humans directly? Could I bring myself to even do that? I knew that Dante would explain it all to me, if he wasn’t accused of whatever they were accusing him of. If he was brought up on charges, I wondered what would happen to me.

  I wasn’t sure how long I laid there before I heard the door open. It was Fane.

  “Well?” Kalypso asked.

  “He was given thirty days in the hellhound prison. Alkaios promised to put him in the upper level and take good care of him. She is allowed to live as long as you promise to see to her until Dante is released. I assured them that you would take responsibility for Savannah. So, that’s that. You can go to wherever you choose best for taking care of her needs,” Fane said.

  “Well, it is something we can live with. If you will watch over Savannah for a few minutes, I would like to speak to Alkaios,” Kalypso said and left.

  Fane took a seat next to the bed.

  “Will Dante be okay?” I asked. I was choking on tears. Dante is being punished because he saved my life. There was nothing I could do to help either.

  “Oh, he will be fine. He takes full responsibility for turning you. Since you are okay with it, he won’t be put to death. Alkaios had to punish him in some way. Thirty days will be like nothing to Dante. Kali and I will take care of you until he returns. Then he can finish your training. He is more upset with himself than anything.”

  “Why would he be upset with himself?” I asked.

  “Dante is too much like Val. He takes everything on himself. I’m sure you can straighten him out though.” Fane smiled at me.


  “Yes, you. He has been fighting his attraction to you since he met you. It’s amusing really. I’m sure y
our turning was only a matter of time. It just happened before you both developed your relationship. Now you both have all the time in the world to explore it. Don’t you dare tell Kali that I’m going all romantic. You are perfect for Dante. You have brains and won’t let him get too caught up in himself.”

  I didn’t know how to respond. Luckily, for me Kalypso came back.

  “I’ve arranged it so you can see Dante for a few minutes. How are you feeling?” she asked me.

  “I can see him?” I sat up in bed too fast and instantly regretted it. I fell back on the pillows.

  “Easy there, girl.” Fane shot his hand out to steady me.

  “Yeah thanks for the warning,” I mumbled.

  He laughed. “Try again, slowly this time. Your body hasn’t fully adjusted yet. You will be moving faster and things like that.”

  “Right,” I said.

  Kalypso and Fane helped me off the bed. It was like my body was unbalanced. I didn’t know if I was coming or going. The room spun. I clenched onto them to keep from falling.

  “It will take a moment before your eyes adjust. Now, think slow steps, then you will be walking normally.” Kalypso guided me to the door.

  It was strange walking. My legs seemed to be lighter and so did my body. Almost as if I’d been carrying a weight all my life and it had been lifted. Fane and Kalypso helped me down the hall to, I really didn’t know where. I was just concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. They stopped before a door. Kalypso knocked and a hellhound answered.

  “Alkaios said we could have a few moments with the prisoner,” Kalypso said.

  He didn’t say a word, just opened the door wider and let us enter. I ignored him and focused on Dante. He was sitting on a chair and he had his head in his hands. He looked so distressed I instantly wanted to go sooth him.

  “Easy girl,” Fane said from my left. I must have moved too quickly.

  “Sorry,” I replied.

  “It’s okay, love. You just need to learn your new body before you go running off. Now come sit on this chair and we will leave you two to chat.” Fane helped me into a chair next to Dante, who was still staring at the floor.

  The door clicked shut behind Fane and Kalypso. “Hey, Dante, they are only giving us a few minutes,” I said trying to get his attention.

  “I don’t know why you are even willing to speak to me.” He sounded miserable.

  “I don’t blame you for what happened. I’ll be fine. Kalypso said she will teach me everything until you get out. It will all work out,” I said with a lot more confidence than I had.

  “But I changed you. I shouldn’t have.”

  “Fane says it would have only been a matter of time. Seriously, though you did what you had to in order to save my life. I thank you for that. I wasn’t ready to die. Don’t go blaming yourself. It’s done and in the past, now we move on. I’m not giving up on you. So I’m a vampire now. What’s the big deal? I can’t eat real food and can’t go out in the sun. Oh well. I do get to spend the rest of my existence with you. We have time to find out where we are going. That is something worth more than those things I have to give up.” I had no idea where the words were coming from, but it was how I felt about it. My heart had belonged to him for a while now.

  He finally looked up at me. “You really feel that way? Being a vampire isn’t all that great. I may have ruined your life. What if you end up hating me?” he asked.

  “Is that what you are worried about? Dante, I don’t hate you. I admire you. We can figure it all out when you get out of here. Just know I will be waiting for you. Let’s get through the next thirty days and then see where this leads.”

  A smile slowly appeared on his face. “I just couldn’t lose you. That’s why I did it. All right. We shall see where this leads when I am out of here. Let me tell them we are done. I’m sorry I won’t be able to help you during these first days.”

  “Again, not your fault. Just take it one day at a time, Dante. It will all work out.” I didn’t know how I knew, but I did.

  One month later

  Excitement coursed through me. Dante and Fane were going to be coming soon. Kali, she insisted I call her that, had done her job teaching me everything I needed to know about being a vampire. I’d learned how to control my new body. The question of where I would get blood was a simple answer. There was a vampire blood donor mailing list now days. I ordered my supplies online and got frozen packs of blood. I poured it in a glass and drank it like wine. It wasn’t too bad. Natalya and Radek had been running the PIB in Dante’s absence. I hadn’t been allowed in the office. I was not allowed in the public until it was certain I could control myself.

  I decided that I would keep working in the lab at the PIB. I was different, but still me. I’d gained a confidence I’d never had though. I wasn’t the weak little human witch anymore. It was amazing. I felt like an equal with my friends and coworkers.

  The uprising at the hotel in Copenhagen had been dealt with by Alkaios as it became some sort of hellhound issue. I didn’t have many details other than the ones that were responsible were either dead or punished. The thought of what was meant by punished gave me shivers. Alkaios still scared me on some level. I shook off the dark thoughts and concentrated on my future.

  I’d been able to send letters through Fane to Dante and he had been writing back. Alkaios had allowed it, thankfully. We had gotten to know each other even better through the letters. He had opened his heart to me and I him. Now, we could explore our new lives together.

  “Calm yourself,” Kali said laughing.

  “I’m just too excited,” I responded and stuck my tongue out at her.

  A car pulled into the drive and I rushed to the door. I ran outside not thinking about it not being dark. I jumped into Dante’s arms. He held me tight and swung me around.

  “You shouldn’t be out in the sun,” he said in a whisper.

  “Oh come on, I won’t melt. No one is around to see us.” I kissed him on the cheek.

  “Ugh you two are going to make me sick. Kali your presence is requested by Alkaios. Let’s leave these two lovebirds alone,” Fane said.

  “You two behave. I’ll check in on you later,” Kali said as she left with Fane.

  Dante and I went into the house. “I didn’t realize Kali had been using my place,” Dante said in passing.

  “This is your house?” I asked.

  “Yes, one of them. I’m glad she brought you here.” He then did something I wasn’t expecting. He pulled me close and kissed me. It’s what I wanted and I never wanted to stop. This was the beginning of our life together. Whatever came our way as long as we had each other we would make it.

  If you look in the local coffee shop or bookstore you might just find Mariana Thorn. She can usually be found with headphones in and deep into the worlds she has created. There is this thing about her pens if you touch them you might receive a smack to the hand and the well-known glare of destruction. Besides writing, Mariana enjoys reading, photography, and playing with her dog. She lives in Western Washington, but loves to travel to Florida to sit on the beach to write.

  She is the author of Fantasy and Mystery stories. She has many more projects planned and coming.

  If you enjoyed my books please leave a review. A few little words go a long way in an author’s world.

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